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Self-Employed Accountant Services

Get Competitively Priced Accountants for the Self-Employed Now

Accounts for the self-employed just got simpler! As a sole trader, HMRC classifies you as self-employed, whether you sell services or goods. As such, we know you need a trustworthy accountant. That’s why our team of chartered accountants for sole traders are on hand whenever you need them – anytime, anywhere.

We look after loads of self-employed clients across England, so you know you’re in the best hands, whether you’re a freelancer or contractor. Accounts by Simply wants to help save you money and deliver incomparable services at a price that won’t break the bank.

Why Choose Our Self-Employed Accounts Services?

We help a multitude of sole traders in England to thrive. Here are just some of the services we offer when you join us:

  • A bespoke accountant for self-employed.

    When you engage with us, you don’t just get an account manager, you get your own dedicated accountant who will talk to you about you and your freelancing business in depth.

  • User-friendly bookkeeping self-employed software.

    We use cloud accounting software to make bookkeeping easier than ever, meaning less paper around the office and immediate access to reports and data.

  • Unlimited professional advice.

    Our accounting pros will be available to answer all your sole trader business questions around the clock. Feel free to reach out via email or phone – or meet them in person.

How Much is an Accountant for the Self-Employed?

When you join Accounts by Simply, our dedicated accounting firm provides you with a fixed monthly package. That includes registering your sole trading business properly, submitting your Self-Assessment Tax Return at the end of the financial year and paying Income Tax owing.

In other words, our dedicated accountants handle all the challenging work and hassle that comes with doing the bookkeeping, all while adhering to HMRC’s deadlines so you can run your successful business.

Arrange your free consultation now to find out more about our accountant fee for a personal tax return. We offer a variety of accountancy packages to suit your requirements.

Call 01245 904701 For A Free Consultation

Lines Open: Mon-Fri 08:00 – 17:00.
Alternatively request a call back at a time convenient to you.

Why Do I Need an Accountant as a Sole Trader?

As a sole trader, you handle every aspect of your business which can sometimes be taxing. This is especially true if you aren’t a numbers person – as such, there’ll be a high chance of mistakes in your work, which you can’t really afford. This is one of the main reasons to seek the accountancy services of one of the Accounts by Simply professionals. Our accountants provide bespoke services to anyone self-employed – it’s their area of expertise!

Do You Need an Accountant When Self-Employed?

If you’re self-employed and register as a sole trader, HMRC requires you to submit a personal tax return to HMRC by the 31st of January after the end of the financial year. Besides this, you’ll also need to show other revenue sources for the year, such as a regular full-time position.

Whilst having a sole trader accountant isn’t mandatory, as a freelancer, there’s lots to do when running your own business. Not only do you have to do your actual job, but you’ll also need to handle your finances. And when tax time rolls around, you suddenly have no end of forms to fill in that you’re unsure about, let alone how to fill them in.

How a Qualified Accountant Can Support a Self-Employed Person

At Accounts by Simply, you can count on us. Engaging a chartered accountant has numerous benefits, including calculating, completing and submitting your Self-Assessment return. We help you throughout the entire process, from registering to guiding on tax allowable outgoings to organising and filing tax returns.

Accounts by Simply takes care of your Self-Assessment tax return and other finance-related tasks such as income and expenditure statements, tax bills, and capital gains tax issues. What that means? You have more time for other parts of your business.

Benefits of Using a Charted Accountant

  • Offload your financial workload. You’ll have more time to spend on other, more pressing parts of your business, such as marketing and customer services.
  • Familiar with financial terminology. Unless you have an accounting background, you won’t understand everything about all aspects of your business. So, leave the accounting jargon to us.
  • Avoid financial blunders. Using us means there’s less chance of making errors in filing your taxes which may see you facing a fine.
  • Money-saving. The initial outlay of investing in a qualified accountant will pay dividends. Your accountancy fees become a tax deduction, helping cut your business profits, so you pay less tax.

Our Services

Self-employed bookkeeping services

Keeping accounts for the self-employed just got a whole lot easier, we’ll prepare your annual accounts to the highest standards. Accounts by Simply offers comprehensive and accurate bookkeeping for self-employed to suit your requirements – everything you’d expect from an expert bookkeeper.

Enquire about A Bookkeeping Self-Employed Accountant

Personal tax returns and HMRC support

Many of our clients ask, “Do I need to do a personal tax return?” And the answer is yes. Our Self-Assessment tax return service is ideal for sole traders – it offers value for money and we guarantee your return will be fully evaluated by a skilled accountant. We know you’ll use our HMRC personal tax return service, year after year.

Enquire about Getting Help With Your Tax Return Self-Assessment

Our Process


Reach out. Arrange a free consultation with one of our professional accountants.

Step 2

Speak to a self-employed tax accountant. We clearly explain the help available to you. Accounts by Simply use IRIS OpenSpace to share documents securely, are Xero-certified and use QuickBooks bookkeeping software, too.

Step 3

Get a fixed package. Your dedicated accountant will provide you with a fixed package personalised to your needs, so you only pay for the level of service and help you require